08 June, 2012

#SpecialFeature :: #Author Bio - Sadie S. Forsythe

"Sadie is an incredible writer." says Barbara Rayne on Goodreads

Come on Folks! Lets Meet Ms.Sadie S. Forsythe and find out more about who she is and what makes her tick!

Sometimes when I look at my life I feel a little let down by the obvious lack of epic adventure. Then, the light shifts and I’m left looking in horror at how far from my roots I’ve really traveled. My hometown of Alto is farm country. I recently read a comment claiming that the most interesting thing about it is the sign shaped like the state of Tennessee. I can’t really argue.

Granted, nestled in the lush basin below Sewanee Mountain it’s truly beautiful, but since it’s completely unincorporated, I couldn’t help but find it about as dull as a dusty doorknob as a child.

Lucky for me my parents had a serious case of wanderlust and frequently moved us about. I was given the opportunity to see a lot of America from the comfort of my own home. We ended up back in middle Tennessee every couple years, for a year or so, before moving out again.

I give this rather protracted account of my early life because I’ve always thought it went a long way towards forming my personality. I keep my roots shallow and adapt easily to shifting circumstances. Could anything serve me better for where I find myself now? Where I find myself now is on the cusp of the Pennines in Northern England, a fair trek from middle Tennessee.

After university I signed on with Child Protective Services, investigating allegations of abuse. While it isn’t a job I wish to return to, I found the time I spent with The Department incredibly edifying.  I think I learned more about ‘real life’ in those seven years than in all of my years of formal education before or after.  It’s also served me well in my writing. Sharing the pain, trials and occasional all-encompassing joy of the families I worked with provided a wealth of emotional material.

I’m currently in the home stretch of a second master’s degree. I initially studied Anthropology, and then International Criminology. This one focuses on Social Change. I would love to be able to dedicate myself fully to writing, but until that day comes I’ll keep trying to save the world. It’s important to have small goals after all. 

Can't argue with that.... Small goals do keep us moving forward - don't they? We have lots more in store for you. So, keep an eye out on the following dates:
15th June  - Book Review
22nd June - Excerpt & Guest Post 
29th June  - Author Interview

Don't forget to check out her book on Goodreads. You can also buy it from Amazon 

Also, if you enter yourself in the Rafflecopter below, you stand a chance of winning  a signed print copy or an e-copy  -- Your Choice! And it is open Internationally! So what are you waiting for?? Enter yourself now and we'll see you again on next Friday - 15th June with my review of the book!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. They do indeed. Small goals keep me going. It was great to 'meet' you Sadie! Best of luck with the release of your novel.
