15 June, 2013

#CoverReveal & #Blurb :: The Whispering (The Velesi Trilogy #3) by L. Filloon

Have you been following the Velesi Trilogy so far?

If you have answered with a No. Well then you are missing out on something awesome that you simply need to catch up on. Here's my Review of The Binding (The Velesi Trilogy #1) and  The Drifting (The Velesi Trilogy #2) If you like Fantasy - I assure you - you will like this series.

If you have answered with an emphatic Yes, then you must be waiting for the 3rd and final instalment with bated breath! Hold on now, cover reveal and a blurb coming up - just for you!








Introducing the final installment to the Velesi Trilogy - The Whispering by L. Filloon.
Schedule for release on July 27, 2013.

Isn't it just as beautiful as the first two? Ahhh.... and there's my girl Cessa on it! :) 

And here's the Blurb:
Tharin and Lily find themselves back in Pathen in search of Julia and the key to Eirrell, but old foes and new ones are in close pursuit.  Adding to their plight, all doorways to Velesi have been closed.

Forced to discover a way back to their realm, the group finds help from new friends and those who once stood against them are now allies.  To make matters worse, a betrayal causes the door to the UnderRealm to open, allowing demons and monsters once imprisoned to roam the realm freely.

Time is of the essence as there are only two Ancients left while Ka grows weaker, struggling to hold the realm together.  It is up to Tharin and Lily to find the doorway to Eirrell, call the Unnamed Sidhe and save Velesi.

Journey back to Velesi and join Tharin, Lily, Tolan, Julia, Alorn, Mellis, Ziri and Cessa to save the realm and maybe have a wedding...or two, but then again, it is Velesi...so maybe not.

I am all excited and can hardly wait for 27th July... So, I am now off to go stalk and harass Ms.Filloon for an ARC. You guys tell me what do you think of the cover? If you have been following the series, what are you looking forward to the most for in the 3rd instalment?

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, I can't believe Book 3 is out! Where has the time gone? I haven't read Book 2 yet. Shame on me! I must get on it and then read Book 3. Thanks so much for the reveal. I didn't even read the blurb in case it reveals too much about Book 2. Way to go Ms. FIlloon!

    Paul R. Hewlett
