Under "Special Feature" every month I feature a Special Author.
During this month I put up 5 posts about the Author/Book, including Interview / Review / Excerpt / Guest Post / Author Bio / Fun Facts or whatever else we can come up with. Also on the first day of the month we will launch the Giveaway contest along with the first post and will announce the winner on the last day of the month.
So be sure to check out my blog every 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of every month for something new :)
*** Special Feature - July 2015 ***
About the Author
Hi Everyone!
Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Kelli A. Wilkins and I’m a writer. To date, I’ve published 19 romance novels, more than 95 short stories, and 5 non-fiction books. My romances span almost every genre (contemporary, historical, fantasy, gay, and paranormal) and range in heat level from mild to super-scorching hot.
Today, I’m sharing a bit about myself and answering two common questions from readers. Over the month of July, I’ll be posting “inside looks” from my recent romances Dangerous Indenture and A Secret Match, along with an excerpt from my non-fiction writing book, You Can Write – Really! A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction.
Readers often ask me how I can write in so many different romance genres, and wonder why I don’t just stick to one genre. Well, the short answer to that is: I go where the story ideas and the characters take me, so I don’t limit myself to writing “only” historical romances or “only” another genre.
Writing in several genres really lets me use my imagination. If I have a great idea for a historical romance, I’ll run with it. If the next story idea is for a contemporary gay romance, I’ll write it. My favorite thing about being a romance writer is that I get to create different characters, worlds, settings, relationships, and romances—and then share them with readers.
Another question I’m always asked is: how do you determine the heat level for your romances? The answer to this is easy – I don’t. I let the characters decide for me. (After all, it’s their story!) For me, love scenes should show how the characters relate to each other, how they fall in love, and add to the overall emotional intensity of the story.
When I’m writing a love scene, I make sure the scene develops naturally and fits the personalities of the characters. The details and descriptions have to be tailored to the genre and blend into the story. For example, if I’m writing a tender historical romance with a virgin heroine (as in Wilderness Bride) the love scenes are handled quite differently than if I’m writing a modern erotic romance where both characters are experienced (such as Trust with Hearts).
Sometimes it’s nice to give the characters their “privacy” and imply what goes on in the bedroom, and other times, readers want to see the passionate side of the relationship. I try to blend a little of each into my books. Sometimes I write the whole scene full out and other times I let readers use their imaginations.
Here are five fun facts readers may be interested to know:
1. In addition to writing romances, I also write horror fiction. Dozens of my horror short stories have appeared in print and online anthologies. I like switching between the two genres because I get to flex my writing muscles and my imagination. Writing horror stories lets me explore different characters, settings, and plots I couldn’t use in a romance. My short stories have appeared in several anthologies, including: Moonshadows, Mistresses of the Macabre, Wrapped in White, Frightmares, and Haunted.
2. When I’m not writing, I like to go to flea markets, travel, watch movies, garden, and read. If I need a break from a writing project, I’ll go for a walk, meditate, or do yoga.
3. I write everything in longhand. When I get an idea for a story, I write my outline, let the ideas for the characters and plot marinate in my head for a while, and then go back and start writing on paper. After the first draft is complete, I type up the book. I add details and edit out parts I’m not crazy about as I go, so by the time I have a typed version it’s almost like a second draft.
4. I read all kinds of books. The books on my shelves are very diverse and cover almost every category: horror, romance, mystery, contemporary fiction, self-help, new age, historical non-fiction, and of course, my books! I’m always collecting more books at garage sales and flea markets.
5. I don’t have a set time or place devoted to writing. Basically, I write anytime, anywhere. I like to write outside, so if I’m working on a book and the weather’s nice, I’ll sit in my yard and write or edit, or outline a new book. Otherwise, I find a quiet spot in the house and write.
I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction. Book summaries, excerpts, reviews, and links to all of my writings are on my site: www.KelliWilkins.com.
Happy Reading,
Kelli A. Wilkins
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Books by the Author:
(Click on the Cover to know More)
PDF copy of either A Secret Match or Dangerous Indenture - Winner's Choice. Open Internationally.
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