18 April, 2020

#Spotlight :: Triangles of Black: Once in a Thousand Years by @CillerIlona #Dystopian

About the Book:
Check out the Book on Amazon

They walk amongst us and we let them destroy our lives without even a second thought. But what if you had to face them knowing they could dispose of you at will? Could you survive when their sights were finally fixed on you? It was an accident, it wasn’t meant to happen, Troy just wanted to find work and a lover. He didn’t know that he could become caught up in a Black Triangle riddled in collateral damage and mystical revelations. Troy has no idea of the magic that surrounds him or the darkness that follows close behind as he finds his soul mate but soon discovers she is the reason they want to kill him. When he realizes that his life and the lives of those close to him are trapped, the magic they have yet to learn becomes their only hope. And for hope they will travel through treacherous places for which no maps have been written. Time is against them as agents and spies close in on them. Troy wants to stop the darkness from spreading, but before he can save his world he first has to save himself.

Read an Excerpt from Triangles of Black: Once in a Thousand Years

“I heard something. Didn’t you?”

“Now you’re just being paranoid,” said Troy.

“It’s probably Sophie’s stomach,” added Tracy snickering.

Zara took a small crowbar out of her trouser pocket. “Let’s find a way to get inside. Maybe we can stay here overnight.”

“No! Don’t open it,” said Troy, moving in front of her.

“Why not?”

“We don’t know what’s in there,” said Troy.

“That’s why I want to open it, so move aside,” said Zara, when she heard faint footsteps in the distance. “Someone’s out there,” she whispered. This time everyone went very quiet, almost hesitating to breath too loudly as they glanced about as far as the mist would permit. A chill breeze touched them on their necks when they heard a faint click. Sophie and Tracy glanced at each other and took out their wands.

“Maybe someone lives here,” said Sophie quietly, “Why don’t we get out of sight?”

“A good idea,” answered Zara putting the tool away. They walked around a sharp bend that only just hid them when a frozen waterfall stood between them and the other side of the path.

“Now what?” said Sophie, as they looked up at the frozen wonder when they heard strange high-pitched noises.

“We wait,” said Troy.

“Or we go back and face whatever is out there,” said Zara, taking a short rifle out of her pocket and loading it.

“Put that gun away!” said Sophie.

“No!” Then she looked at Troy. “I could break up the ice with some explosives, if you want.”

Troy shook his head. “It would attract too much attention. Probably Sophie is right. Probably someone is just going home. Please put your gun away.” But to his irritation she didn’t. More high-pitched noises could be heard in the swirling mist but no one could see where they came from. Then they heard a creaking noise and the muffled footsteps again, and suddenly swifts flew all around them, as they peeked to see who was there. Hardly visible a large figure stood in front of the door on the path behind them.

“It’s a troll!” gasped Sophie, as she pointed her wand. “Reductum!” she commanded, but the hazy figure just held out a hand to the side, flashing the spell away. Fast moving mist hid the silhouetted figure but now they could hear footsteps and the strange creaking noise coming towards them.

“It’s noticed us!” said Troy, annoyed at his sister.

Zara glared at Sophie. “It’s an agent you idiot! Didn’t you see the gun?” The fog thinned and in a split second Zara pointed her gun.

“No! Don’t!” yelled Troy. She ignored him, pulling the trigger as swifts swooped about with great speed. They stood silently as the loud bangs reverberated through the valleys. Zara knew with unquestionable certainty that she would have hit her target. Suddenly, three swifts flew to Zara, dropping the bullets in her hands before flying off again.

Through the mist an old cloaked man with a staff walked up to them carrying a basket of iridescent blue-grey mushrooms. Zara slowly put the gun back into her pocket as he walked up to her, raising a gnarled finger warningly. “You should be a bit more careful young lady. You could really hurt someone!” The three spent cartridges that had fallen from Zara’s gun started shaking and quivering violently, clinking on the rocky ground. “Well, pick them up!” he said. Zara’s hand trembled as she picked up the cartridges and put them in her pocket.

“We meet again!” said Tracy excitedly.

“We do!” said the man smiling. “And you bring a friend.”

About the Author:

Ilona comes from many places but the east coast of Australia is her home. She has recently finished her debut novel, about ten years in the making! No she’s not slow, it just wasn’t the only thing she did. In between there where other things... 

Now spare time (usually at night) is reserved for reading just for fun, and writing the next book in the series, Triangles of Black – Yesterday far Away…

Ilona has many passions but if there's one place she could get lost in, it's,,, no not a book (sorry) it's the garden. Where time losses it's meaning, smoke alarms go off, coffees get cold and inspiration grows.

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