The story starts off with an unexpected twist of fate: Annie, our endearing protagonist, finds herself sharing a room and a bed with a grumpy but undeniably attractive stranger at an airport hotel. The situation, though innocent, leads to an embarrassing encounter that Annie assumes will be a one-time event. However, the universe had other plans for her. When she starts her new job, the last person she expects to see is none other than her hot, grumpy airport acquaintance—now her new boss, Liam Donovan.
Annie’s character is well-developed and relatable. Her internal monologues, filled with self-deprecating humor, makes her loveable and an engaging protagonist. Liam, on the other hand, starts off as this grumpy and distant boss but gradually reveals a softer, more complex side that helps the readers to feel for him too. Bailey does an admirable job of balancing Liam’s surly exterior with glimpses of vulnerability, making his eventual transformation from the "grumpy boss" trope to a genuinely lovable romantic lead felt organic and satisfying. The book also has a few well-rounded secondary characters. Liam’s family, particularly his brother Luke and his niece, add depth to the story. The secondary characters not only contribute to the story’s humor but also provide a glimpse into Liam’s world beyond the office. The dynamics and the chemistry between the two protagonists is well done. One of the novel’s greatest strengths is Bailey’s ability to weave humor into the narrative. The comedic timing, particularly in the interactions between Annie and Liam, is spot-on. Their initial awkwardness and the subsequent attempts to ignore their past encounter provide a steady stream of laughs. The office mishaps and the tension between their professional and personal boundaries are both relatable and entertaining. Bailey’s writing shines in these moments, providing a constant source of amusement without overshadowing the developing romance.
While the humor and romantic tension are well-executed, the conflict introduced in the later chapters felt ‘not enough of a conflict’ and was resolved too easily. The tension that I expect from the conflict fell flat and in turn affected the overall growth of the characters in the story. Also, the occasional shift to Liam’s POV wasn’t very effective as it felt forced. It was quite clear that the narrative was brought in only as a tool to provide some information to the readers in order to keep the story moving.
All in all, ‘So That Happened’ is a heartwarming and humorous romantic comedy that delivers on its promise of a lighthearted read. Katie Bailey’s engaging writing, and endearing characters make this book a perfect as the first book series. I am certainly looking forward to meeting Luke again. It’s a great palate cleanser for those who’ve been reading heavier material or simply looking for a cozy, enjoyable escape. If you’re a fan of clean romances with a healthy dose of laughter, ‘So That Happened’ should at least be on your consideration list.
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