12 August, 2015

#BookReview :: Chiricahua by Alfred Dennis

J. Mason Davis is a troubled half-breed youth raised by his wealthy father in New York City. When his rebellious ways land him in serious trouble, Mason is sent West to relatives on the San Carlos Indian Reservation. There, he is forced to confront his Indian heritage and a new way of life in a harsh and hostile land. Follow his footsteps as he strives to overcome many obstacles and severe challenges on his way to becoming Massai, great Chiricahua warrior. Action, suspense, drama and romance all unfold as Massai struggles to unlock shocking family secrets while facing life and death battles with formidable enemies.

Cochise was a great Chief and Geronimo was a feared warrior of the Chiricahua tribe. Now comes Massai, leader of the Apache Nation's next generation.

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Mason Davis didn’t think that anything was wrong with him. But his father disagreed and felt that he needs to correct his ways. As a result Mason found himself uprooted from his life in New York City and moving to stay with his relatives on the San Carlos Indian Reservation. Will he rebel further as he is forced to live with the ‘uncivilized people’? Or will he finally settle down and find himself while discovering more about his roots?

For me, Chiricahua was essentially about self-discovery, acceptance and about love. It was indeed an experience to see the tribal setting and the life in a reservation. The Apaches are intriguing and the novel makes me want to look up more about them on the internet. I just might. The plot was well laid out and executed. There was something very primal about it. Or just maybe because I am new to this genre, everything was a surprise to me. The plot was interesting enough to keep me glued to the book. However it is the characters that drew me in most. Unlike most novels, no one person stood out. Of course, some would say that Mason should be the protagonist after reading the blurb. But after reading the novel, I enjoyed knowing all the multi-faceted characters the book equally.

I recently read Lone Eagle by the same author and since I read these two books back to back, I felt a certain difference in storytelling. I certainly the smooth flow of the story here though for me the narrative was still a bit off which influences the overall reading experience but not by much.

Review Copy received from Walnut Creek Publishing

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