About the Book:
Whether vampires, shape-shifters or demon-switchers, all slaughtered in the most efficient manner. No mercy. No pity.
Just because you’re a worthless slave, do you deserve to die? Literary Nymphs Recommended Read, Winner of Golden Blush Award.
Nothing satisfies Lilly. Not even working at The Dungeon BDSM Club as a bondage slave for hire. A slave looking for her true master. None have fit the bill so far. Until Terry. He spins her craving to fever pitch. And she might fall in love with him, if she could only be his slave. Not just his. Julien and André’s, too. His gorgeous Creole lovers. Because they are the perfect Masters. But also keepers of the Black Room. On Halloween, she’ll discover just how bad and dangerous their pain-lust game can really be. Will she be able to fulfill their true needs? Or will she perish in the attempt?
Review Snippets:
“Bondage Slave for Hire is the first book I’ve read by author Laura Tolomei and it won’t be my last. Ms. Tolomei was very creative in her picture of slaves in this particular bondage club, with everything working toward one night of the year. This story was very original, and not like anything I have read before. As the story progresses, readers will start to get an inkling of what Julian and Andre are, but still won’t have a clue about Terry until the end. […] The chemistry, and later love, between the four main characters is apparent. The fact that Lilly was willing to do what she did could only have been done for love, even as she was being told she was not supposed to love the three men.” Literary Nymphs recommendation rated Golden Blush Award
“Bondage Slave for Hire is an extreme BDSM novel that also combines horror into to it. […] The chemistry between Lily and Terry is searing. […] If you enjoy a dark BDSM horror novel then you will enjoy this book a lot.” Just Erotic Romance Reviews
"A Hot and Sexy Read" Romance Reader Enthusiast
Read an Excerpt from Bondage Slave for Hire
“I don’t want to leave.”
“Nothing easier.” After entering a smaller dressing room, he rummaged through his bag and grabbed the forms she had arrogantly tossed back at him before. “Sign these and you can stay.” He slammed the papers on a small desk under a window.
Her gaze slid over them briefly. “I want a raise first.” Then returned squarely on his face.
“No one’s getting a raise around here.” He threw his bag on the floor. “Why should you?”
“‘Cause…” With a coy sway, she leaned against the desk. Butt pressed against the wooden front, she hooked both thumbs on the edge. “I’m special.”
Her self-assurance was maddening.
“There’s nothing special about a slave.”
But not as much as her body.
He eyed her coldly. “They’re all equally worthless and insignificant.” His steel gaze bore deep into hers. “You’re expendable. I can find hundreds like you. Hundreds who’d beg me to make them my slaves.”
Hundreds was an understatement. Too many to count was his true assessment, given his extremely long career.
“Then why do you want me so bad?” Judging from how her tongue darted out to lick her lips, it was obvious she was taunting him. Daring him to claim her.
“Because tonight’s opening night.” Unable to resist, he pinned her to the damn desk. “And I hate to be shorthanded on such an important occasion.”
“Accept my terms and you won’t be.” She took immediate advantage of his position to rub her pelvis against his crotch.
“I never need to accept a slave’s condition.” Hotter than he had ever been in his life, he yanked her hair and snapped her head back. “With or without a raise, you can’t wait for me to plug that tight little ass of yours and throw you at the mercy of all the wolves that are going to enter the club.”
He was getting furious now. Not with her. With himself for going so close to losing his cool.
“‘Cause unlike any of the other slaves, you derive real pleasure out of all the pain and humiliation.” This was another thing that made her the perfect choice as the next Halloween slave. Besides his lusting her so bad he didn’t know if he’d resist that long.
“So, I repeat.” His gaze slid to her very tempting mouth. “Why should I pay you more?”
About the Author:
Born in Rome, Italy, I am Italian and now live in Alicante, Spain. I am also the author of 30+ books in the very particular and unique genre of Erotic Romance with an Edge. I have been traveling the globe since age five and have no intention of quitting. After having been an avid reader all my life, I decided at age forty to write my own stories, and they had to be about sex, given the way it affects human and social relationships, inevitably changing them despite our beliefs to the contrary. After all, sex is the foundation of our society, the root of many prejudices, and the basis of its dual nature. But sometimes, individuals can’t relate to these conventions, so I analyze and challenge them, indicating alternative lifestyles that people could pursue.
I write both in Italian and English, mostly fiction of various genres, from dark fantasy erotica to mysteries up to everyday ordinary life stories. Among others, they include the Virtus Saga books, all eight of them, not to mention the Soulmate and ReScue Series, along with several horror novels and a few historical ones, too. eXtasy Books is one of my premier publishers specializing in erotic literature. If you’ve never read anything of mine and would now care for a taste, you can download all my novels’ first chapters in PDF by clicking on the “Read First Chapter” icon in my books’ web pages or download the short story I’m Coming.
Look out for my Halloween release Bloody Karma, coming October 2020!
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